One of the aspects of human beings that I’m fascinated with is how many different interests people have. It has always intrigued me how many different periodicals there are at Barnes and Noble about an amazing variety of interests. There are periodicals on: model railroading, airplanes, boating, quilting, bird watching, chess, dress making, weight lifting, kite boarding, skate boarding, guns and ammo, motorcycles, etc, etc, etc. The list is almost endless!
These various periodicals exist because people are ‘thirsty’ for information about their area of interest. What do others know? What are some of the other ideas out there about my interest? What’s new, what’s being tried?
You and I know what being ‘thirsty’ for an interest is about. We’ve experienced that thirst. We think about the interest. We spend time on the interest. We research, we plan, we talk to others, we ‘flock’ with people who share our interest and often times we are willing to make sacrifices to pursue our interest.
There is a spiritual application to this reality in life. When a person is ‘thirsty’ for God, they will read, plan, think, research, talk about their thirst and flock with other people who are thirsty for God.
The sons of Korah were ‘thirsty’ for God. They wanted more because they had experienced some. What they had experienced made them ‘thirsty’ for more.
As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before Him? (Psalms 42:1-2 NLT)
‘God make me thirsty!’ is a great, simple prayer for each of us to pray daily.
God is the one who can create a thirst in our life. I can try to work up a thirst. I can try to force myself to thirst. If I do get thirsty, it only lasts for a short time. When God makes us thirsty – it lasts and it causes us to pursue Him!
God make me thirsty!