If people were asked: Do you want to be wise? Most people would say something like: Of course! Who doesn't want to be wise?
Almost no one would choose to be a fool or live foolishly. Foolishness is not a desired quality. Jesus taught about wise and foolish people. He said, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24, 25 NIV)
Everyone who hears these words and puts them into practice is like a wise man. Wise in this situation is not just hearing the words – you must ‘put them into practice.'
Everyone who hears His words and doesn't 'put them into practice' is like 'the foolish man who built his house on sand.'
The wisdom isn't in the hearing or knowing, the wisdom is in the 'putting into practice.' The problem is, as people, we are pretty good about hearing but we are not so good about 'putting into practice.'
Right from the very beginning of the human race Adam and Eve heard BUT they couldn't 'put into practice.' People have been following the path just like the foolish man.
Jesus, teach us to be people who hear AND who 'put into practice.' Amen

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Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
I was recently reading an interview of the author of the Message Bible, Eugene Peterson. In the interview he was asked questions about living the Christian life. One of his answers was very profound.
He described the Christian life as “a long obedience.” He has also described following Jesus as “a long obedience in the same direction.” That is a great explanation and description of what it means to follow Jesus.
‘A long obedience in the same direction.’ Following Jesus is not a one time commitment. It is not raising my hand and responding to a prayer at a church service, concert or Christian event. Following Jesus is a way of life. It is an obedient way of life. It is a minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month and year by year obedience in the same direction.
Three hundred years ago Philip Dormer Stanhope, the 4th Earl of Chesterfield, wrote about giving care to the minutes of life and not just the years of life. He wrote: “I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves.” Minute by minute obedience in the same direction.
A few years ago Mother Teresa wrote similar words regarding giving care to the small things in life. She said:
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” Faithfulness in the small things of life in the same direction.
It is easier to say and to talk about than to live! As we each seek to navigate living as followers of Jesus in a very conflicted and complicated world, it is difficult to continue to keep these ideas in mind and to practice.
In the middle of the confusion and frustration that seems to be part of the package of life, some throw up their arms and conclude that how life is lived really doesn’t matter. The conclusion is that sincerity is what really matters in life. Sincerity takes care of everything else in life. You just have to be sincere.
Sincerity plays a part but it is only a part. Following Jesus is ‘a long obedience in the same direction’ and ‘taking care of minutes’ and ‘faithfulness in the small things.’
He described the Christian life as “a long obedience.” He has also described following Jesus as “a long obedience in the same direction.” That is a great explanation and description of what it means to follow Jesus.
‘A long obedience in the same direction.’ Following Jesus is not a one time commitment. It is not raising my hand and responding to a prayer at a church service, concert or Christian event. Following Jesus is a way of life. It is an obedient way of life. It is a minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month and year by year obedience in the same direction.
Three hundred years ago Philip Dormer Stanhope, the 4th Earl of Chesterfield, wrote about giving care to the minutes of life and not just the years of life. He wrote: “I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves.” Minute by minute obedience in the same direction.
A few years ago Mother Teresa wrote similar words regarding giving care to the small things in life. She said:
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” Faithfulness in the small things of life in the same direction.
It is easier to say and to talk about than to live! As we each seek to navigate living as followers of Jesus in a very conflicted and complicated world, it is difficult to continue to keep these ideas in mind and to practice.
In the middle of the confusion and frustration that seems to be part of the package of life, some throw up their arms and conclude that how life is lived really doesn’t matter. The conclusion is that sincerity is what really matters in life. Sincerity takes care of everything else in life. You just have to be sincere.
Sincerity plays a part but it is only a part. Following Jesus is ‘a long obedience in the same direction’ and ‘taking care of minutes’ and ‘faithfulness in the small things.’
Friday, September 16, 2011
Reinforce Your Marriage
I don’t have to explain to any of you the pressures that people are under in our world today. There is pressure from the stateside circumstances that we are all living under, and the entire world is feeling pressure from the economic and political climate of the countries of the world. Some of the pressure comes from conflict in the Middle East and North Africa or the economic pressures from what is happening in Greece, England and other corners of the European continent. Some of the pressure comes from the economy, inflation, unemployment, the decrease in housing values, the roller coaster of the stock market, and the political landscape pressures of what is happening in our country, state, county and tip of the Island.
Physical pressure bearing down on an object, over time, reveals the areas of weakness in that object. In the same way physical, emotional, psychological, economic, and mental pressures that a person is under will, over time, reveal weaknesses in a person’s life and relationships.
When people are under the pressure they find themselves in today, ‘something has to give.’ Unfortunately the area that begins to fracture and, even worse, explode or implode is the relationship of married people. The pressure will take its toll in the area that is weak and the areas that need to be reinforced, but have been neglected.
People in our church, in our community and around the Island are experiencing the fracturing in their lives.
The Elders of SWAG have been praying and planning for a few months about these pressures and the fracturing that is occurring. We have a strategy to address some of the areas that need to be ‘reinforced’ in people’s personal lives and relationships.
Here is the basic information of two free training and reinforcement events that will be happening on the SWAG campus. Complimentary meals and childcare will be provided. The times will be fun, challenging, stretching, and will reinforce needed areas in each of our marriages. I hope to see you here.
Securing Your Marriage: Friday, Sept. 30th, 6:30–9:00 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 1st, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m..
Storm-Proofing Your Marriage: Sunday Evenings, Oct. 9, 16, 23 & 30. 5:00–7:00 p.m..
You will find more information online at www.swag-online.org. Registration is required and can be done online or by calling South Whidbey Assembly at 360-221-1656.
Physical pressure bearing down on an object, over time, reveals the areas of weakness in that object. In the same way physical, emotional, psychological, economic, and mental pressures that a person is under will, over time, reveal weaknesses in a person’s life and relationships.
When people are under the pressure they find themselves in today, ‘something has to give.’ Unfortunately the area that begins to fracture and, even worse, explode or implode is the relationship of married people. The pressure will take its toll in the area that is weak and the areas that need to be reinforced, but have been neglected.
People in our church, in our community and around the Island are experiencing the fracturing in their lives.
The Elders of SWAG have been praying and planning for a few months about these pressures and the fracturing that is occurring. We have a strategy to address some of the areas that need to be ‘reinforced’ in people’s personal lives and relationships.
Here is the basic information of two free training and reinforcement events that will be happening on the SWAG campus. Complimentary meals and childcare will be provided. The times will be fun, challenging, stretching, and will reinforce needed areas in each of our marriages. I hope to see you here.
Securing Your Marriage: Friday, Sept. 30th, 6:30–9:00 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 1st, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m..
Storm-Proofing Your Marriage: Sunday Evenings, Oct. 9, 16, 23 & 30. 5:00–7:00 p.m..
You will find more information online at www.swag-online.org. Registration is required and can be done online or by calling South Whidbey Assembly at 360-221-1656.
Friday, September 9, 2011
National Conscience
Woven throughout Scripture is the theme of CONSCIENCE. The Bible talks about David’s conscience being bothered. It also talks about having a clear conscience, a good conscience, an evil conscience, a seared conscience, a corrupt conscience, a weak conscience and someone being conscience stricken.
What is the conscience? Conscience has been defined as: The sense of right and wrong that governs a person's thoughts and actions. The English word conscience comes finds its roots in the idea of being conscious of what will happen or conscious of guilt. Conscience is derived from: ‘con’ = with + ‘science’ = knowledge or with knowledge.
The conscience, when it is working correctly, is like the screeching of car wheels when the brakes are worn out or the indicator light that comes on to tell you better get gas, the buzzer that tells you your seat belt is not connected, the chirp of the smoke detector that beeps to tell you that the battery needs changed or the warning pop-up that says you are about to open a virus infected email or website.
People have a conscience. They can bury it, change it, sear it or disable it but it is still there. One aspect of a follower of Jesus is the reactivation and continual recalibrating of the conscience that happens.
Benjamin Franklin said: “A good conscience is a continual Christmas.”
Not only do people have a conscience but groups and nations have a conscience. That conscience can be continually renewed and re-calibrated or it can be calloused over and ultimately seared.
Our first President George Washington said: “Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.” In recent times we have not done that. As a people we have not labored to keep alive the spark of celestial fire.
Social and political commentator Will Rogers said: “People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide.”
What will it take to renew our national conscience? What will it take to recalibrate what has been confused and lost?
What is the conscience? Conscience has been defined as: The sense of right and wrong that governs a person's thoughts and actions. The English word conscience comes finds its roots in the idea of being conscious of what will happen or conscious of guilt. Conscience is derived from: ‘con’ = with + ‘science’ = knowledge or with knowledge.
The conscience, when it is working correctly, is like the screeching of car wheels when the brakes are worn out or the indicator light that comes on to tell you better get gas, the buzzer that tells you your seat belt is not connected, the chirp of the smoke detector that beeps to tell you that the battery needs changed or the warning pop-up that says you are about to open a virus infected email or website.
People have a conscience. They can bury it, change it, sear it or disable it but it is still there. One aspect of a follower of Jesus is the reactivation and continual recalibrating of the conscience that happens.
Benjamin Franklin said: “A good conscience is a continual Christmas.”
Not only do people have a conscience but groups and nations have a conscience. That conscience can be continually renewed and re-calibrated or it can be calloused over and ultimately seared.
Our first President George Washington said: “Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.” In recent times we have not done that. As a people we have not labored to keep alive the spark of celestial fire.
Social and political commentator Will Rogers said: “People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide.”
What will it take to renew our national conscience? What will it take to recalibrate what has been confused and lost?
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