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Friday, June 11, 2010

What is the Wise thing to do?

Wise Living

The book of Proverbs is about wisdom. The men of Hezekiah who collected the proverbs of Solomon and others (Proverbs 25) were often comparing and contrasting the wise person and the fool.

The question that Proverbs is encouraging people to ask as part of the way they process life is:
What is the wise thing to do?

James, Jesus’ half brother, wrote about wisdom in his letter to the Jewish believers who had been scattered in Diaspora because of persecution. James wrote that the wisdom of a person will be seen more than heard. This is not how wisdom is often looked at. People think more of ‘words of wisdom’ than they do wise actions. We talk to people to get their wisdom. We seek out wise people for their counsel. Wisdom most often is about words and not actions. This is not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that wisdom is more about action than it is about words.

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. (James 3:13)

Wisdom is not revealed in the words a person speaks but in a 'good life' and in 'deeds done in humility.' When a person claims to be wise but isn't living a good life or doing good deeds in humility - they aren't really wise. They only think that they are wise. Wisdom is seen in a good life, good deeds and humility.

Before trusting someone who claims to be wise or tells you their description or definition of wisdom and start telling you their ‘great’ words of wisdom - check them out for a 'good life,' good 'deeds' and 'humility.' If good life, good deeds and humility are absent - move slowly, use discernment and prudence.

This is the wise thing to do when you see someone who is not practicing wise living! - Pastor Matt

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