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Friday, July 16, 2010

The Right Path

The book of Proverbs is filled with topics that should guide each of our lives. There are so many topics in Proverbs, a teacher could probably spend a few years going through each of the truths found in this rich book! This summer we are touching on 12 of them during our Sunday morning teachings.

One of the topics that we are not going to look at on a Sunday morning is what Proverbs refers to as the ‘path’ or the ‘straight course.’ The implication is that there is a path that should be taken, and that deviating from that path is detrimental to the person who deviates.

Here’s how Proverbs puts it:
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 14:12 NIV)

The ides is so significant that it is repeated again:
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 16:25 NIV)

Here are a couple more verses:
Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path; (Proverbs 15:10 NIV)

… a man of understanding keeps a straight course. (Proverbs 15:21 NIV)

The Lord has not left it up to each person to choose their path. Every time a person chooses their own path it leads someone in a way that is detrimental to their well being.

The philosophy of many is: Follow your heart. Let your heart be your guide. Be true to yourself.

This idea led Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, Cain to kill Abel, the children of Israel to worship a golden calf, the nation of Israel to choose a king over God, David to sleep with Bathsheba and the religious leaders to kill Jesus – you get the idea don’t you?

One of the significant reasons for making Scripture reading, studying, meditation and memorization a part of your faith journey is that the Scriptures lay out the path clearly for us.

His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!

Spend some time meditating on this truth this week. It will probably impact you in significant ways.

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