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Friday, October 1, 2010

Who really was Jesus?

Who really was Jesus? What did He say about Himself? Is what we believe what He intended that we would believe?

There are many varying views of who Jesus was, what He was like and what He did. Many of these views are built on the preconceived wishes of those who teach them, rather then on truth.

For instance, for years there have been those that teach that, at the Wedding in Cana, Jesus didn’t really turn water into wine but into grape juice. This is taught based not in fact but in a belief that Jesus could never and would never create something that had the power to harm people?

There are those who teach that Jesus didn’t have brothers and sisters and that ‘His family’ that is referred to in the Bible were actually just cousins. This is taught based not in reality but on the view that there is no way that Mary, Jesus’ mother, could have ever had had sexual relations with a man.

There are those who teach that Jesus was married and had children. This is taught by those who cannot understand a man having such a close relationship with a woman and it be a pure platonic relationship. Each of these teachings is founded in one or more preconceived idea or wish.

During our teaching series, The Portraits of Jesus, I hope that you and I will gain a fresh look at Jesus, who He is, what He does and how our lives find their meaning and strength in Him.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is the Gate. He is the Way. He is the Truth. He is the Light of the World. He is the Bread of Life. He is the Vine. He is the Resurrection and the Life.

He is so much more! To say that He is so much more seems so inadequate. But that is what He is SO MUCH MORE!

Jesus, help us see you more clearly! Amen.

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