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Friday, January 7, 2011


Over the next four weeks we are going to look at the subject of REST. R – Rest. E – Exercises S – Sabbath. T – Thanksgiving. We live in a hurried, out of control world and it is almost impossible to avoid getting on the treadmill with everyone else.

You have probably said and heard others say things like: Where did the time go? Time keeps going faster and faster. There aren't enough hours in the week to get everything done. A New York Times article said: “Somewhere between trigonometry and colonoscopy, someone must have hit the fast-forward button.”

Do these ideas ring true for you? Have you said some of these things? Have you thought some of these things?

As the treadmill speeds up, we all try to control more and more things in our life. There is danger in living like that. One danger is we deceive ourselves into thinking that we can really control things. Another danger is the stress that is created when what we are trying to control slips out of our control.

Writer and teacher John Ortberg has written about the human propensity to strive to control life. He wrote: “As a general rule, the harder you work to control things, the more you lose control.”

What if REST is part of the answer to create a whole different way of living? What if REST is part of getting off the treadmill and traveling through life another way?

I hope that you ‘tune-in’ for these weeks of teaching on REST.

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