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Friday, March 11, 2011

Easter is around the corner!

Easter is fast approaching. Easter is April 24th this year. Easter is one of the times of the year that people are most open to attending a worship service.

I want to encourage you to begin praying regularly for people in your circle of life. Pray for family members, neighbors, co-workers, friends, fellow commuters and those that you attend school with.

Pray that they will have a desire to know God and have a relationship with Him.
Pray that they will sense their need of forgiveness, peace, hope and new life.
Pray that they will accept an invitation to join you at a worship service on Easter.
Pray that their hearts will be open to the message of Jesus and the resurrection.

Look for ways that Jesus would have you invest in the lives of those that you are praying for. How should you love them? How can you serve them? In what ways can you invest into their life and further your friendship with them?

Once you’ve prayed and once you’ve invested – the next thing to do is invite.

In the next month determine who you are going to invite to join you and invite them. We will provide invitations the 2nd weekend in April. Use as many invitations as you need. Give them to people. Invite them. Plan to meet them here.

I have already been inviting people to join us. I have been telling them that I will remind them in a few weeks and that I really hope that they will attend. I invited a man who I talked with at breakfast today. I’m going to remind him as we get closer to Easter.

Pray. Invest in relationship. Invite.

I’m anticipating a wonderful day celebrating!


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