During the last part of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century the face of the church has been going through earth shattering changes. The last 500 years the church has mostly consisted of people who were white, European and lived north of the equator. This has changed and continues to change in unprecedented ways. The mold of the church is now darker skinned, African, Asian and Latin American from south of the Equator.
Most of what the Western church would refer to as “real worship music” is not indigenous to the vast majority of today’s ethnically diverse church. Music started before the world was ever created. Before the great flood of Noah’s time Jubal was said to be the first of all who play the harp and flute. (Genesis 4:21 NLT)
Let me give you a personal observation. Various cultures, generations, individuals and movements within the church and church history each have music that appeals to them and that enables them to worship. A common practice for people is to claim that the music that appeals to them is ‘real worship music.’ “That’s not real worship or they aren’t really worshipping’ is a statement that I have heard people declare regarding forms of music that didn’t appeal to them.
The dilemma for each of us is that the music that God used to speak to us and to our generation becomes sacred. People who came before us really didn’t know ‘true worship’ and people after us ‘aren’t really worshipping.’ The music that God used to touch our lives and change people in our time period must be the most important and the ‘real worship music.’
When I think in those terms and talk in those terms aren’t I really saying: “When God chooses a CD or downloads a song to listen to (HE IS THE AUDIENCE AFTER ALL!!!!), the music God chooses is the music that appeals to me. God and I like the same kind of music.” “It moves us!” “In spite of the diverse music of the various periods in history, various cultures, various generations, various church movements and the incredible diversity in music appeal I’m sure that God chooses my music.”
When stated that way, the whole discussion seems a little foolish.
The reality is that God made us unique people and told us to worship him and adore him in unique ways and that He loves the diversity!
Now you know my opinion! --- The controversy around music continues! Matt
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