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Tuesday, July 19, 2022
The Heavens Proclaim the Glory of God
If you have not taken the opportunity to look at the recently released pictures from the Webb telescope, you should. The pictures are from the farthest distance in space. They are only the initial pictures shot while technicians test the equipment. There will be many more amazing pictures to come. The Webb telescope can see 13.8 billion light years into space.
King David declared, “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.” Psalms 19:1-4 (NLT)
I’m always amazed at the precision of creation making life possible. Our solar system is where it needs to be in the Milky Way to enable life. Our star is the exact type of star for carbon-based life. Planet earth is in the inhabitable zone, sometimes called the “Goldilocks” zone. If earth were a minute distance closer or farther from the sun, life would be impossible.
The location and orbit of the moon create weather patterns and tides that sustain and replenish life. Because of the pitch of the planet, life thrives on much of the earth. The location of Saturn and Jupiter stabilize the solar system and prevent space debris from destroying the earth.
I could go on and on about the wonder of the precision that makes life possible on earth. As some have said, “it would take more faith to believe this all happened by chance than to believe there is a Creator.”
Man is constantly searching, listening and hoping to find intelligent life in the universe and make contact. Contact has already happened. Jesus came to reveal the intelligence, God to you.
The real visitor from beyond the heavens is Jesus. He visited earth 2,000 years ago and is still active in lives across the planet. Why do people search for intelligent life and yet turn away from Jesus? The Apostle John proclaimed, “Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” John 1:14 (NLT)
“The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command.” Hebrews 1:3 (NLT)
You don’t need to look any further than Jesus. He is the intelligent life sent by the Father to reveal the character of God to you and me.
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