Grace and Truth
The Apostle John wrote: “The law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
(John 1:17 ESV)
Grace the Truth, what a great combination. The two aspects of the work and the nature of God are held in perfect tension in Jesus and are seen in Jesus ministry on this earth. Jesus is not ‘grace’ alone and He is not ‘truth’ alone. He is ‘grace and truth.’
These two aspects of the nature and work of God are seen in perfect tension in the account of the ‘Woman Caught in Adultery.’ The religious leaders found a woman who was at the time committing adultery with someone. They brought the woman to Jesus demanding that Jesus uphold the Old Testament Law and sentence her to execution by stoning. Jesus, in the end of the account, says to the woman: “I don’t condemn you;” [mercy and grace] “go away and sin no more.” [truth] Jesus extended amazing grace to her, yet he confronted, in truth, her sinful actions, exhorting her to change her heart and her way of life.
Often people, especially religious people, lean in one direction or the other. They lean towards grace or they lean towards truth. Only through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God over a period of time do believers begin to, at times, hold grace and truth in tension.
Grace is giving someone what they don’t deserve. The person who leans towards ‘grace’ loves people and communicates a non-judgmental spirit. They accept others, extending a hand to people no matter what.
Truth is the reality about self, others and life that is held in opposition to falsehood. The person who leans towards truth loves truth and judges everything and everyone by what they see as truth. There are no extenuating circumstances, there are no excuses and there are no reasons. There is no room for mercy nor grace.
This is not the case with Jesus. Jesus held truth and grace in perfect tension. As you and I grow in our faith journey – Jesus wants to create in you and me – grace and truth in tension. Lord Jesus, create it in my life!
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