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Friday, September 28, 2012

Keep in step with the Spirit

You might remember different times in your childhood when you were paired together with a family member, schoolmate or friend for one of the quintessential competitions included in picnics, family reunions and end of the school year celebrations - the 'three-legged race.'

The three-legged race was not usually won by the fastest, best, biggest or the most evenly matched team, but instead by the team that could figure out how to run in rhythm with each other. It was won by the team that figured out when to move which legs: tied legs, free legs, tied, free, tied ... The team that got in sync almost always won. (The exception of course was when one of the team members just carried the other person.)

The race was won by working together. Teammates moving in unison. No longer just two people tied together, but instead they become one giant three legged person.

The Apostle Paul talked about moving in this kind of rhythm, teamwork and oneness with the Holy Spirit.

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 NIV

Keeping in step with the Spirit: Moving when He moves; Resting when He rests; Struggling when He struggles; Coasting when He coasts; Speaking when He speaks; Silence when He hasn't spoken; Keeping in step with the Spirit.

The three-legged race is not the fastest event at the family picnic. No Olympic records will be broken. But there is a beauty in watching two people as they grasp the rhythm of three legs working together.

We can move, rest, struggle, coast, speak and be silent on our own, but there is a splendor in sensing the movement of the Holy Spirit and in perfect cadence, 'keeping instep with the Spirit.' This kind of life activity is what often gets referred to as 'God moments.'

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 NIV

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