Easter is fast approaching. Easter is of course the celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. It is also an incredible celebration of life.
At creation, God breathed the 'breath of life' into Adam and Eve. They were alive. Life was part of who they were and impacted everything they did. Not long after receiving the 'breath of life' they ate of the forbidden fruit and everything changed. Life had been replaced with death. Where life once was, there was death. Life, that had been a part of who they were and impacted everything, was supplanted by death. Death became the rule of the day.
After 33 years on the planet, Jesus died and when he rose from the dead, death received a fatal blow. Life that was once usurped by death was now overtaken by life. This new life doesn't happen in the afterlife. This life happens when a person surrenders control of their life to Jesus. At that moment, a person is 'born-again' by the Spirit. Just as the 'breath of life' was breathed into Adam and Eve, the 'breath of life' is breathed into the surrendered.
Life replaces death. Life might not replace physical death, but the physical is only temporary. Life replaces death in the inner person. Life is breathed in and once again everything changes. Those who continue to walk in life feel, see and experience life more closely to how God designed it.
This is Easter. The celebration of death being replaced by life.
Invite your family, friends, co-workers and fellow commuters to join you in celebrating life overtaking death through the resurrection of Jesus on that first Easter morning.
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