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Friday, March 29, 2013

We are so glad that you are here today to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead! Jesus resurrection is the linchpin of human history. If Jesus had not been raised from the dead, we would not even know His name today. We know the names of others who lead insurrections and rebellions against the Roman Empire and were crucified, but only because they are remembered in comparison to Jesus.

We know the name Jesus because He wasn’t just another insurrectionist who garnered a following and then was executed for it. Though He had multitudes that followed Him, He was not an insurrectionist. What people saw and heard was only what was above the surface. There was so much more below the surface that was not apparent.

Much of what was under the surface did not become apparent until after His resurrection. His resurrection from the dead changed countless world realities of that day. The disciples who had abandoned their Rabbi and scattered were emboldened by the resurrection. The Roman officials were undecided on what had occurred, so in an attempt to keep control of the rumblings of Jesus being alive from the dead, they fabricated a story about what had happened to Jesus’ body. The Jewish leaders fabricated their own story as to what had happened to Jesus’ body.

Things were happening so fast that the events were described by the writers as having ‘turned the world upside down.’ What had been common for eons was changing at avalanche speeds. In just a few short months after Jesus resurrection from the dead, a significant population in and around Jerusalem had begun to gather to investigate, learn about and worship this one called Jesus Christ.

The speed at which people were becoming followers of Jesus worried the Jewish leaders and they began arresting, punishing and ultimately executing key followers. The Roman officials were more than happy to allow the Jewish leadership to do the dirty work. It wasn’t long though before the Roman officials got involved in attempting to squelch the growing movement.

One of the amazing changes that occurred was in the life of Jesus’ own brother, James. James had not been a follower. He had been a doubter, a skeptic. Once He saw his Brother, walked with and talked with his Brother, he would never be the same. What happened to James is one of the greatest transformations that occurred.

You know His name because He is alive!

Happy Easter.

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