Twice in the past little while I’ve been hit with a bug. Once it was the chest, head, throat, fever etc. Just this last week, I got hit by the stomach bug. No need to describe what that looked or felt like. You already know!
It is interesting how bugs are spread. One person touches another person, who touches another person and so on. One person gets the bug and another person doesn’t. One person gets the bug badly and another person is only mildly affected by the bug. One person touches another person who doesn’t get sick at all, but who passes the bug on to someone else who gets sick. It passes over some people – what’s with that?
In my case, who knows who it was that passed the bug on to me. It could have been one of the ICA teachers. It could have been an ICA parent. I could have been an ICA student. It could have been a grandchild. It could have been a stranger. It could have been someone I do business with. It could have been YOU!
I was thinking of bugs, germs and contagions in regards to the message of Jesus. The spread of the Gospel, the Good News, of Jesus’ forgiveness, new life, love, peace, hope and joy is not meant to happen via some formula. The spread of the Gospel is meant to happen much like the flu is spread.
The spread of the Gospel is meant to happen when one person touches another person, who touches another person ,who touches another person, and so on and so on. Every follower of Jesus is a ‘carrier.’ Every follower of Jesus is meant to infect other people.
When Jesus said to the disciples “Go into all the world and make disciples”, He was saying “Go into the world and infect others with the message of my love, grace, forgiveness, peace and joy.” Are you contagious? Are you infecting others?
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