Someone has said: “Everything in life is easier when you don’t concern yourself with what everybody else is doing.”
I have experienced and observed the truth of this statement. When a person compares themselves or their life against others usually one of two detrimental results happen. (There are probably other outcomes but there are two biggies.)
One result is to respond, “WOW is me! Wow, look at how much bigger, better, faster, richer, sleeker and newer I am.” When people compare themselves to others and assume that they are better than others, pride sends out roots that begin to grow deep in the soil. Social Media is laced with “WOW is me.”
The other result, on the other end of the spectrum is “WOE is me! Woe, look how rotten my life is!” WOE is me can be heard in statements like: “I don’t have what they have, I’m not as good as them, I’ll never have what they have, I’ll never be what they are.” WOE is not pride; WOE is self-pity.
Many of life’s emotional, mental, and spiritual pitfalls are a result of comparing. Eve could have eaten any tree from the Garden. She saw the fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, compared it to the other fruit and had to have it. Cain compared his gift to God to his brother Abel’s gift and ultimately killed his brother.
Consider Apostle Paul’s wise words to the believers in Rome and Philippi, who were playing the “comparison game.”
“Do not think you are better than you are.” Romans 12:3 (NCV); “Let nothing be done out of … conceit, but in humility let each esteem the other better than himself.” Philippians 2:3 (MEV)
It takes tremendous intentionality to walk away from the “comparison game” but it is one of healthiest and freeing endeavors you will ever take on. I encourage you to end the compare game.
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