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Sunday, May 26, 2013

What will you do with Jesus?

What will you do with Jesus?

Often when interacting with people who are uncertain about the existence of God or who have fully made up their mind that there is no such thing as God, I push back by asking the question – What will you do with Jesus? They give a puzzled look that asks the question: What are you talking about?

This gives me a great opportunity then to talk to them about Jesus. The dialogue between myself and another person might go something like this:
Me …
“You are not sure what you believe about the existence of God and I can understand that, but you still have to do something with Jesus.”

“What do you mean?”

Me …
“If God doesn’t exist how do you explain Jesus? He was born to a woman who claimed to be a virgin and lived the first 30 years of His life in a little village in the obscure northern region of Israel. He didn’t have any formal education and was not from the upper crust of society.

Yet … we know more about Jesus than almost anyone else from antiquity. There were letters written about Him and His followers within a few years of His death and there were accounts written within the lifetime of people who were close followers of Jesus.

This little band of believers quickly grew to be a significant percentage of the population around Jerusalem, and within a short time began to impact all of the Roman Empire which had existed for hundreds of years and that would continue for a few hundred years more.

The impact was so significant, that the movement continued to grow and expand and grow and expand until it was adopted as the official faith of the Roman Empire.

2000 years later there is no slowing down its growth and influence around the world. There is no other movement in human history that has even begun to scratch the surface of the impact on the world the way Jesus and his followers have.

How can that be explained in natural terms? What possible ‘human’ explanation is there?”

This doesn’t end the dialogue. Instead, the dialogue takes of in countless directions as people try and explain the unexplainable.

If you don’t believe … this might give you something to think about. If you do believe … this will give you a great conversation that can last for hours, days and weeks!

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