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Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Resilience and Perseverance
I have been thinking about the resilience, perseverance and endurance that you and I need in our life. Every day something happens that threatens to deflate us emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. In my almost 40 years of leadership and ministry (33 years at SWAG,) I have never experienced a prolonged season like we are in right now.
Resilience is the quality of “bouncing back.” Resilience is taking a punch and getting back up. Resilience crashing your bike and getting back on. Resilience is “getting back on the horse.”
Resilience and perseverance are more than “simply holding on to the end.” (Oswald Chambers) Resilience is one reason Job has been an example over the centuries for those in a season of trials. After losing his children, property and health, he declared: “Even if God kills me, I'll still put my hope in him. ... No matter how things turn out, I'm sure I'll still be saved.” (Job 13:15-16 NIrV)
Job was convinced that his life was in God’s hands and that ultimately, he would see God face to face. He understood that God is sovereign, and that life’s future is in God’s hands. It was his trust in God that he could bounce back from one blow after another.
Resilience and perseverance is developed over time and through trials. Jesus’ brother James encouraged early believers who were in the midst of a long season of trials. “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
(James 1:2-4 NLT)
This is a once in a century opportunity to allow resilience, perseverance and endurance to grow in our lives and even be “fully developed.” Rejoice in this season of hardship. Don’t give in. Like Job, declare “even if God kills me, I’ll still put my hope in him.
Jesus Follower,
spiritual formation,
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