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Monday, April 4, 2022
Never Stop Praying
The longer I serve Jesus, the more I find myself intrigued by prayer. There is a mysterious aspect to prayer that time has not clarified for me. Jesus said the “Father knows what you need even before you ask Him! Pray like this.” Think about His statement. The Father knows what you need even before you ask, so pray!
Over the 40 years in ministry, I’ve probably heard most of the “reasons” people have for praying. I could list many of them off the top of my head. They still don’t completely clarify the mystery.
Through the rest of my life, I’ll probably have unanswered questions about unanswered prayers. You have them too, I know you do! Why does God come through on certain, seemingly unimportant prayers and yet seems silent on other, what seem to me desperate needs? I wish I knew.
I’ve read the books on how to get your prayers answered. I’ve got a pile of books on prayer. I’ve learned from other people’s experiences, and I’ve learned from more than 40 years of praying. I have to admit, I might have more questions now than I did when I first prayed.
Here’s what I do know about prayer, Jesus said: Ask and don’t stop asking, seek and don’t stop seeking, knock and don’t stop knocking,” Matthew 7:7 (NLT) and “Your heavenly Father will give good gifts to those who ask.” Matthew 7:8 (NLT) The great Apostle Paul said to “Never stop praying,” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT) and “Pray about everything.” Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
I might have lots of questions about praying but I know for certain that I’m told to pray, so pray, pray, pray I will.
Can I encourage you to press through the mysteries surrounding prayer and pray, pray, pray?
Don’t forget when you are praying to quiet yourself and listen. God’s promptings and “God thoughts” are life changing.
Jesus Follower,
spiritual formation
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